Monday, May 1, 2017

Special Link

 I couldn't stay down forever. It was time to stand up for another round. In all my fragility and the strength that only God gives, I planted both feet on the path of my search and I moved forward. Dee, the confidential intermediary, had not contacted me in a while. I called to let her know about Kevin Sr and the paternity test results, and she let me know that she would continue searching for my biological parents. June 2016 carried heavy days of exhaustive waiting. I was at a rest stop with my family tree. I just didn't know which branch to follow, until a 3rd cousin match appeared. Her name is Avarisse.
  On Father's Day weekend of June 2016, she showed up as my relative match on Ancestry.
 Up until my meeting Kevin, I was working on my family tree with very little progress. It's incredibly difficult to fill in a family tree when one does not know their biological parents and grandparents. But, it can be done. It's not impossible. When Avarisse came along, she was like that missing puzzle piece. She was that glorious part that connected all the others (At the time, I had two other close cousins that I knew were related, but I did not know what branch of my tree that they were on. I'd mirrored a tree from the tree of one of these close cousins. Avarisse turned out to be related to both of these cousins. She also had a small public family tree.). Through her I was able to see a definite bloodline.
  It was beyond the value of gold. I now had a treasure that I'd opined for. A family name. Blair. In the moment that I was blessed with the clarity to connect the dots, my past, present, and future came together in this magnificent collision. Names that I'd filled in on my tree now had a significance to me. I was beginning to understand their relationship to me. I melted into the ugliest and most beautiful sob that my entire being could let loose. I cried  for generations past, present, and future. I could feel the relief of my soul. I released a pain held so deeply that I could feel blood coursing through my veins. It took my breath away and yet filled me with fresh life. My spot was marked. I belonged to the Blair family line. Now it was time to see how...

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